Friday, February 17, 2006

In Her Shoes (2005)

Sometimes we feel guilty if we don't take advantage of our Netflix subscription DVD rental service, and so we watch films even when we can no longer remember how they got in our queue. We just want to get our money's worth.

Such was the case with In Her Shoes. This is the film that asks us to believe that Toni Collette is fat and ugly and that Cameron Diaz is Jewish. It also asks us to believe that someone who looks like Cameron Diaz would have difficulty getting work. On what planet?

The best part of the DVD is the featurette about the elderly members of a retirement community who worked as extras for this film. I found myself genuinely moved when it was revealed that the man whose one line was "Me too" had passed away since the completion of the film.

If only the feature had been as moving.


Karima said...

"Me too" man. R.I.P.

Christi said...

I went to Blockbuster yesterday, and there was an entire wall of that movie, and it was ALL GONE! I could not for the life of me figure out why, and I really do like Cameron Diaz. I wonder if there were as many people out there as disappointed as I was when I sat down to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith that same night...

Alan Smithee said...

That picture was nothing special either.

Twisted Sister? said...

Thanks for the heads up. I won't be renting/buying either one.

Alan Smithee said...

My pleasure.